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Publications List

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Papers (Peer-reviewed)

  1. Hirotaka Goto, Masashi Shiraishi, Hiraku Nishimori, "Onset of Intragroup Conflict in a Generalized Model of Social Balance," Physical Review Letters, 133, 127402, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.127402
  2. Hiromichi Goko, Osamu Yamanaka, Masashi Shiraishi, Hiraku Nishimori, "Characteristics of daily foraging activity of Camponotus japonicus via time series analysis," PLoS ONE, 18(11): e0293455, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293455, 2023
  3. Masashi Shiraishi, Osamu Yamanaka, Hiraku Nishimori, "Effect of interaction network structure in a response threshold model. Artif Life Robotics," Artif Life Robotics, Volume 27, pages 743–750, DOI: 10.1007/s10015-022-00791-6, 2022
  4. Osamu Yamanaka, Yusuke Oki, Yuta Imamura, Yukari Tamura, Masashi Shiraishi, Shunsuke Izumi, Akinori Awazu, Hiraku Nishimori, "Ants Alter Collective Behavior After Feeding and Generate Shortcut Paths on a Two-Dimensional Foraging Area," Front. Phys. 10:896717. DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2022.896717, 2022
  5. Masashi Shiraishi, Takumi Odan, Osamu Yamanaka, Hiraku Nishimori, "Influence of Labor Conditions and Interaction Among Individuals on Circadian Activity Rhythms in the Ant Camponotus Japonicus," Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 33(3), 582-589, 2021 DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2021.p0582, pdf
  6. Osamu Yamanaka, Masashi Shiraishi, Akinori Awazu, and Hiraku Nishimori, “Verification of mathematical models of response threshold through statistical characterisation of the foraging activity of Camponotus japonicus,” Scientific Report, 9, 8845, 2019
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45367-w, pdf
  7. Masashi Shiraishi, Rito Takeuchi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shin I Nishimura, Akinori Awazu, and Hiraku Nishimori, “Diverse stochasticity leads a colony of ants to optimal foraging”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 465, 21, 7—16, 2019
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.01.002
  8. Masashi Shiraishi and Yoji Aizawa, “Collective Patterns of Swarm Dynamics and the Lyapunov Analysis of Individual Behaviors,” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84, 054002, 2015
    DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.84.054002, pdf
  9. Masashi Shiraishi and Yoji Aizawa, “Collective Behaviors of Swarm Dynamics and Lyapunov Analysis”, 早稲田大学理工学術院総合研究所 (理工学研究所) 理工研報告特集号: special issue 11, 171-173,2015
  10. Masashi Shiraishi and Yoji Aizawa, “Lyapunov Analysis of Collective Behaviors in Self-Propelled Particle Systems,” SICE Annual Conference 2014, pp. 866-871, Hokkaido, JAPAN, September 2014
    DOI: 10.1109/SICE.2014.6935230
  11. Hubert Shum, Taku Komura, Masashi Shiraishi, and Shuntaro Yamazaki, “Interaction Patches for Multi-Character Animation,” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(5), pp.114:1-114:8, December 2008
    DOI: 10.1145/1457515.1409067
  12. 杉崎 英嗣, 風間 祥介, 石川 貴仁, 白石 允梓, 西村 昌平, 森島 繁生: “モーションキャ プチャシステムを用いた頭髪アニメーション手法の提案”, 画像電子学会誌ビジュアルコンピューティング論文特集号, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.398-406 (2007)
    DOI: 10.11371/iieej.36.398

Paper (No reviewed)

  1. 白石允梓,「社会性昆虫の分業メカニズムにおける相互作用ネットワークの効果」学会誌「シミュレーション」,Vol. 40,No. 3,pp. 117--124,
  2. 山中治, 白石允梓, 西森拓,「社会性昆虫の固定反応閾値モデルの大規模データによる検証」,計測と制御,59(2), 2020
    DOI: 10.11499/sicejl.59.104
  3. 川本 敦史, 吉澤 真太郎, 白石 允梓, 西森 拓,「群体数理技術検討会―新しい産学連携の試み」,応用数理,30(2),37-42,2020
    DOI: 10.11540/bjsiam.30.2_37
  4. 白石允梓,西森拓,「アリのフェロモン感受性のエラー活用モデル」,昆虫と自然(ニューサイエンス社), Vol. 51, No. 11, pp39-41,2016年10月